
I am a very big fan of the Atari company. Even the logo inspires respect ;-). I believe Atary has been one of the major actor of the home computer world. Atari Corporation has always been ahead of time in ter ms of technology. When the Atari ST came, PC were poor tiny machines compared to it. PCs were running DOS while the Atari ST was providing a graphical user called GEM. PCs were displaying ugly monochrome graphics and the most fortunates had enough money to buy a CGA adapter (ugly). So Atari STs and other Amigas were kings of the world. Things have changed quite a bit since :-(

8-bit Computers
Model Atari 600 XL

This computer is equipped with a 6502C CPU running at 1.79 Mhz. There are 16Kb RAM that can be extended to 64Kb, the ROM has a size of 24Kb and includes the Atari Basic. One particularity of this machine is the cartridge slot where you can plug games. The maximum graphic resolution is 320 x 192 pixels with 128 colors out of 256.

  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: no

Model Atari 800 XL

Not available at present time.

  • Working: not tested
  • Boxed: yes

16/32 bit Computers

Model Atari 260 ST

The Atari 260 ST is a hard to find computer because only a few units hit the market. It was soon replaced by its brother the 520ST. Most of the units were sold in Germany and Belgium. The OS of the 260ST is not held in ROM: it has to be loaded from a floppy. Apart from that, the 260 ST has the same characteristics as the 520ST.

  • Working : yes
  • Boxed : yes
  • Monochrome monitor SM124

Model Atari 520 STF

The 520ST is probably the most common ST machine. There are two different 520ST models: the 520ST & the 520STF. The 520ST has an external floppy drive and two externals power supplies. On the other hand, the 520STF has a built-in floppy drive and thus is more compact. It has half a meg of RAM which is quite suitable for most games but is not enough for professional usage.

  • Working : problem with the floppy drive
  • Boxed : no

Model Atari 1040 STFM

From my point of view, the Atari ST is the machine that has revolutionized the home computer market. Tha Atari ST was both a wonderfull gaming platform and yet was still very interesting for professionnal. There are a lot of professional applications in the field of music and graphics. The machine exposed here is my second Atari ST. It is a STFM one, STFM meaning that it was designed to operate on a normal TV handset. My first Atari was a 520 ST with and external 720 Kb disk drive.

  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: yes
  • SM124 monitor : resolution 640x400 black & white
  • SC1224 color monitor : 320x200 16 colors & 640x200 4 colors

Model Atari TT030

The successor of the Atari ST was the Atari TT. This machine is less renowed than the ST. The TT is much more powerfull with it 68030 processor and its faster RAM (TT RAM). The TT didn't receive much praise from people because it came a little bit late and was very expensive. Nowadays, an Atari TT can be used to run various operating systems like Linux or Free MiNT ... I bought this one thanks to a Ad on a belgian web site

  • Working: yes
  • Boxed : no
  • HDD 1Gb, 4Mb ST RAM, 32Mb TT RAM

Model Atari Falcon 030

The Atari Falcon was presented for the first time during the Atari Messe in Dusseldorf in 1992. I was there and I can tell you that the Falcon was the star of the show. The was a big screen where you could actually look at several demonstrations of the computer capabilities. I remember of a 3D animation of the Enterprise ship (Star Trek) flying in the space. Waouw. Unfortunately, the story of the Falcon 030 is quite short: in 1993 Atari decides to abandon the machine in order to concentrate on the console market with the launch of the 64bit Jaguar system. From what I know, there were 5000 Falcon units sold in France which is quite small compared to the figures of the Atari ST sales. It is thus a very rare machine.

  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: No
  • HDD 130Mb, 14Mb RAM

Model Atari Portfolio

The Portfolio was the smallest PC ever manufactured. It uses a Intel 8088 4.77Mhz with 640Kb RAM : it is a XT PC. Remember Terminator, the film ? The portfolio was used by a kid to hack a ATM to steal money from his parent's bank account. Special thanks go to David Hernie for giving me the wonderfull piece of technology.

  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: no

Game Consoles

Model Atari 2600 Model I & II

The Atari 2600 console is the most successfull console of Atari Corp. I have two different model : the first one is wooden, the second is more recent and is also code named Atari 2600 Junior.

Remarks Model I
  • Working: ???
  • Boxed: no
Model II (Junior)
  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: yes
Games Total 14: Demon Attack, Chopper Command, Space Invaders, Centipede, Venture Quest, Star Wars, Pitfall, Combat Program, Yars Revenge, Pac Man, E.T the Extraterrestrial, Enduro, River Raid, Tennis

Model Atari 7800
Description Not available
  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: yes
Games Total 14: Desert Falcon, Ace of Aces, Ballblazer, Alien Brigade, Moon Patrol, Impossible Mission, Tower Toppler, Scrapyard Dog, Donkey kong, Pole Position, Dark Chambers, Ninja Golf, Midnight Mutant, Joust

Model Atari Jaguar 64-bit

This console is the both the first and the last. Indeed, the Jaguar is the last console designed by Atari Corp. It was manufactured by IBM. The Jaguar was the first 64bit console to be released, long time before the Nintendo 64. The console is marvelous and very powefull. Unfortunately the console failed to conquer the world mainly because of the disinterest of game designers that followed the bankruptcy of Atari Corp. The Jaguar is my favorite game console because it is mystical, powerful and  feline (it roars when you power it out.)

  • Working: oui
  • Boxed: oui
Games Total 18 : Atari Karts, Club Drive, Dino Dudes, Bubsy, Doom, Checkered Flag, Raiden, Wolfenstein 3D, Missile Command 3D, Alien Vs Predator, Tempest, Power Drive Rally, Iron Soldier, Dragon, Syndicate, Flashback, Kasumi Ninja, Double Dragon 5

Model Atari Lynx

This portable console is much more powerful than a Gameboy. It runs a MC68000 with a color display, a good soundchip (you should listen to the music of Shadow of the beast ...). The Lynx also failed fot two reasons. First the price was very high compared to a Gameboy. Second, a small number of games were developed for this system and most of them are not fun. However Gauntlet et Shadow of the beast are certainly two exceptions. 

  • Working: yes
  • Boxed: yes
Games Total 7 : Shadow of the beast, Gauntlet, Steel Talons, Toki, Dirty Larry, Hard Drivin', Calfornia Games


Model No serial number on the calculator
Description Scientific Calculator
  • Working: I suppose, the battery is out
  • Boxed: yes

Last update : July the 22nd 2003